How to build DA55+ links in just over 40 minutes using HARO & JournoRequests.
Building links, or rather, building the type of links that make the needle move in terms of rankings has never been harder.
There is, however, a major source of untapped links that I believe many people are missing out on – JournoRequests.
What are JournoRequests?
Journalists need quotable sources to make their stories credible. Thanks to the internet, it has never been easier for them to find commenters on even the most obscure subjects.
This is great news for you and your clients, as it means there are thousands of people out there who are willing to quote you, and crucially give you some powerful links!
I’m going to show you how I have built a number of links from high authority sites using a very simple, 3 step process.
Step 1 – finding JournoRequest opportunities
There are 2 main ways of finding JournoRequest opportunities:
Twitter – follow the hashtag #JournoRequest for the most up to date requests. Many of these requests can be quite obscure, so you way want to add another relevant keyword to find the most relevant enquiries to your vertical.
Tip: I recommend setting up columns for your #JournoRequest columns in your Tweetdeck account and checking these daily.
Sourcing services – There are several services you can join which connect you with journalists who are seeking sources. The most popular, and the one I have had the greatest success with is HARO (Help a Reporter Out).
Tip: Subscribe to HARO’s free email digests which are sent out twice daily.
Step 2 – Identifying the right opportunities
Once you have a steady flow of requests, it’s time to start responding to them. It may be tempting at first to respond to every single one, but it is unlikely that this will lead to a good response rate. Read each request carefully and if you are confident you can offer some decent insight then respond.
Tip: quickly scan through this list every day to see if there are opportunities in areas you have expertise in.
Step 3 – Writing your pitch
You’ve found an opportunity, and you have something worthwhile to say, now it’s time to write your pitch. Make sure you have fully read the request in full and responded accordingly. For example, if it requests a picture, make sure one is attached.
Tip: I have found that the following template for pitch emails works particularly well – offer your initial comment and any further comments if required.
Please find a response to your request below:
“Response goes here…“
If published, I will share with 5000+ social media followers etc.
Happy to comment further.
The results
The following are articles I have gained links from by following this process:
Bitly – Social Media Predictions – DA 93 – When should you take on your first employee? – DA 59 – 63 sales, marketing, and content professionals share examples of great content marketing – DA 48 – $500 Per Month Marketing Budget – How Would You Spend It? – DA 45 – Fraud lessons: How the owner of one ecommerce platform is fighting payment fraud on a daily basis – DA 32
- Pitches sent – 20
- Time spent on each pitch (approx) – 10 minutes
- Total time spent – 3 hours 20 minutes
- Comments/links placed – 5
- Success rate – 25%
- Minutes per link – 40
- Average DA of link – 55.4
Takeouts and top #JournoRequest tips
- Check comments before sending – The easier you make it for the journalist to cut and paste your comments the greater your chances of success. Be sure to spell/grammar check your copy before sending.
- Don’t ask specifically for links – Include links strategically in your comment or in a bio but don’t demand them. In all of the examples listed above the links were implemented as sent without request.
- If you don’t have any genuine insight, don’t respond – Don’t waste your time, or theirs, by commenting on things you have little comprehension of.
- Utilise the knowledge of your team – If you have a member of your team who is qualified to comment, refer the request on. This article was commented on by my colleague who is experienced in payment fraud.
- Offer leverage – By offering to share published work with your own social media audience, you can make yourself more attractive to publishers.
Image Credit: ‘Land of the Tabloids‘ courtesy of Daniel Novta
Martin Harrison
Works at Copify